
23rd Edition


Wings, the annual collection of distinguished student essays, is in its 22nd edition, and since many first-year writing classes now include multimodal forms of composition in the coursework, students are incorporating new media and visual arts as a means to further the communication and analysis of myriad texts and mediums.

The online component to Wings reflects current trends in multimodal literacy and displays our first-year writers apt engagement of their multifaceted compositional interests and skills.

In this Wings website, we highlight a variety of projects that creatively incorporate visual arts and rhetorical analysis alongside web portfolios and blogs.

Click on any of the titles below to start reading.

College Life – Brittney Mendez. Artwork depicting a student’s thirst for knowledge.

A Different LanguageChristela Villalobos. An argument for creative writing in English classes with an interesting format.

Dystopian Society: A Reality – Ben Victor Fernandez. Multimodal essay connecting fictional dystopian societies to real life.

Ø – Ryan J. Portino. Creative narrative exploring personal loss with photographs.

Honolulu Ruins – Castano, K. Hammersley, C. Marquez, C. Nguyen. Parody of a city website welcoming visitors to dystopian society for satiric purposes.

The Legacy of Racism – Christopher Der. Hypertext version of essay from the section “A Nation Divided.”

Is There a Place for Religion? Andrea Montoya. Hypertext version of essay from the section “The Dynamics of Education.”


22nd Edition

Wings, the annual collection of distinguished student essays, is in its 22nd edition, and since many first-year writing classes now include multimodal forms of composition in the coursework, students are incorporating new media and visual arts as a means to further the communication and analysis of myriad texts and mediums.

The online component to Wings reflects current trends in multimodal literacy and displays our first-year writers apt engagement of their multifaceted compositional interests and skills.

In this Wings website, we highlight a variety of projects that creatively incorporate visual arts and rhetorical analysis alongside web portfolios and blogs.

Click on any of the titles below to start reading.

A Beautiful Perception – Auriana Adams

English 114B Portfolio – Julian Soriano

Blog Post on Video Games and Violence – Jack Rocco

Artwork on LGBTQ Religion Equality – Mirella Marquez

Motivational Story for English Learners – Wondia Mireille Yeo


21th Edition

Your Cover (back, spine, front)

Wings, the annual collection of distinguished student essays, is in its 21st edition, and students are increasing the range of their voice, moving from the page onto the web, exploring unconventional texts and media. The online component to Wings is an effort to accurately reflect this shift into new media and display the real work of first-year composition students.

Here, you will find original comic strips and online projects that represent an entire semester of work, and much, much else.

Click on any of the titles below to start reading.

English 114B Course Website – Anahid Bajikian

English 114B Portfolio – Charlene Gipuland

English 114B Course Website – Nia Deocampo

Being Average: A Short, Poorly Drawn Comic – Diana Lungu

English 115 Desk Photo – James Mayhew

The Struggle and the Real Writing Process – Kimberly Villalba



20th Edition

Wings, the annual collection of distinguished student essays, is in its 20th edition, but with the increasing interest in composition in electronic media, an online component was created as part of an effort to accurately reflect the new and interesting ways students write. From one student’s blog, to the work of an entire classroom over the course of a year, this web companion to Wings strives to recognize the value of first-year student composition in its many forms.

Click on any of the titles below to start reading.

Composing Writing: Where Academia and Blogging Meet by Professor Susana Marcelo’s E114 Class

The World of Horror by Shelley Avraham

Project Space: Trash by Kelly Clausing

Learn Something New Every Day by Jacquelyn Rabe

Project Media: Dystopia by Crystal Rivas

Escaping into Fantasy by Tariq Soliman

My Reflective Prezi Piece by Kathryn Whitworth