The Insecure Pianist

Chris BeecherDescription & Scene, Personal Narrative, Reflection

Exercise Prompt: In “Me Talk Pretty One Day,” Sedaris explores themes of identity, insecurity, class, and belonging. Describe a moment when you dealt with one or more of these issues. Was there a time or situation that made you feel insecure? Was there a time or situation where you felt you didn’t belong? I have always had my fair share of …

More Than A Friend

Chris BeecherNew Voices, Personal Narrative, Previous Editions, Uncategorized

My literacy journey with comics and reading began when I was living in my country, Kuwait. At that time, my family had a get-together in my grandfather’s house on a daily basis to help build a strong relationship between the family members, especially the kids. When I was 4 years old, I used to spend most of my time with …


Chris BeecherNew Voices, Personal Narrative, Previous Editions

  “When I was growing up I spoke Spanish, so my inner voice or the voice I would hear in my head was in Spanish. I was amazed because now I can’t picture myself thinking in Spanish. Even when I speak Spanish I hear it in English.” Read the entire graphic narrative Spanglish by Irma Arias.